City Country Alliance of Schools

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Threatened Species - Full Unit

Threatened Species of Far South Western NSW

This unit of work introduces students to a number of threatened species in Far SW NSW. They will learn about many of the lesser known species and the threats and endangerments that are affecting their populations. It incorporates a range of activities culminating in students developing an action plan that addresses these threats with possible solutions.. It can be used in both a classroom setting and as an online learning program.

Key Inquiry Questions: 

Science and Technology

  • How do physical conditions affect the survival of living things
  • How do the structural and behavioural features of living things support survival?


  • How do people and environments influence one another?
  • How do people influence places and the management of spaces within them?


Science and Technology

ST3-4LW-S examines how the environment affects the growth, survival and adaptation of living things.


GE3-2 explains interactions and connections between people, places and environments

GE3-3 compares and contrasts influences on the management of places and environments

Students will:

  • Learn about threatened species of the Far South Western NSW region

  • Develop a greater awareness of the threats and endangerments that can have an impact on Australian native species including the role that humans play in it.

  • Learn about current recovery programs and strategies to address declining populations

  • Champion a species of their choice and develop an Action Plan to aid in its survival.
  • Plan and develop an advertising campaign to highlight the plight of their chosen species.

Student Resources:


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